Hello Cruel World
Monday, January 01, 2007
Happy New Year 2007 from Sydney!
Part of my view of the midnight fireworks in Sydney. Centrepoint (Sydney Tower), Australia Square and city buildings.
The forecast for New Years Eve was possible rain & storms. Although it was cool & overcast, there was no rain. We've had fortunate weather for Christmas & New Year, if damp. The crowd around the harbour and in the city nearby was huge. I didn't feel up to dealing with that, so my friends & I had a walk through Moore Park & a quiet part of Centennial Park & went for dinner to their place, nearby mine. Then we went back to my flat, watched the late fireworks with admiration (Excellent Work), and had a Greek celebration bread with '2007' on the top. I got the coin in my slice!
I was thinking that the flats I'm staying at would be crowded with the other residents and their guests, but there were only a few people.
There didn't seem to be noisy parties in the building either — which was rather surprising, because there's often quite a bit of noise & excitement around the building. Perhaps the party types were out somewhere more exciting. Certainly there was a lot of activity around some of the main venues, Oxford Street & so on. The sirens, voices, etc were busy for hours. Despite this, I probably would have slept OK except that something made me ill and that kept me up for quite a while longer. Depsite that, a happy time overall.
My friend from Christmas is now visiting his friends in Canberra, and sent a few SMS during the afternoon telling us about the hailstorm there. That's the second one in a few days. The last one damaged the Australian National Museum; hope this one didn't do such harm.
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Australia, New South Wales, Sydney, English, photography, reading, natural history, land use, town planning, sustainability.