Hello Cruel World
Monday, November 12, 2007
Boyer Lectures online

Apropos mainly just people finding something interesting, I'm alerting y'all to the start of the 2007 Boyer Lectures. This series (the 48th) is called Restoring The Senses. It's available streaming, or as a podcast or transcript from www.abc.net.au/rn/boyerlectures (don't be put off by the short excursion into philosophy/theology near the beginning). Their summary:
"Professor Graeme Clark, creator of the bionic ear, is ABC Radio National's Boyer lecturer for 2007. In this series of six lectures … Professor Clark draws on decades of experience as a clinician, surgeon and researcher to celebrate our senses. He also tells the compelling story of how the bionic ear was created, and provides an insight into the extraordinary future of bionics."
Archives, either as transcripts or audio recordings, back as far as 1997 are also available on the ABC site.

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Australia, New South Wales, Sydney, English, photography, reading, natural history, land use, town planning, sustainability.