Hello Cruel World
Friday, October 05, 2007
Reminds me of a song by Judy Small I still remember quite well.
[Links to lyrics: unionsong.com/ u295.html and
deafpagan.com/ 2007/ 05/ 27/ a-womans-song-for-memorial-day]
The chorus is
The first time it was fathers the last time it was sons[ sample (RealMedia) or Amazon and full-tune midi ]
And in between your husbands marched away with drums and guns
And you never thought to question you just went on with your lives
'Cause all they'd taught you who to be was mothers, daughters, wives
I think it's originally from 'Ladies & Gems', aka 'Mothers, Daughters, Wives'.
- www.folktrax.com/ sound/ cmr005_4.ram
www.amazon.com/ Best-Judy-Small-Word-Mouth/ dp/ B0000023YC
www.singout.org/ midis/ 444/ mothe.mid
My mother would have been about the age of the generation she's singing about.
But speaking of pain, I saw the Sydney production of the opera Dead Man Walking this week. It was pretty good. At the moment I prefer it to A Streetcar Named Desire, seen a month ago. They used the same bloke (Teddy Tahu Rhodes) to play the main male protagonist, he can successfully pull off the scene where Joe is doing & counting push-ups bare-chested, then sings quite a bit. (There's also an odd little cameo by Alan Jones (check his cast listing to see why it's odd).) Anyway, the show might 'make one to think' as well as feel.
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