Hello Cruel World
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Fame at Last!

The Face of Sydney

The Face of Sydney (Woman)


Faces of Sydney





Combining portraits of local residents and specialist techniques that turn Census data into visual images, The Face of Sydney consists of digitally layered composite images that represent the collective face of the city. More than 1,400 Sydney residents had their portraits taken in photo shoots in locations spanning the city’s villages.

During Art & About, these faces will be projected on a massive scale onto the wall of the AMP Building at Circular Quay,

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 / . Lives in Australia/New South Wales/Sydney, speaks English. Eye color is hazel. I am what my mother calls unique. My interests are photography, reading, natural history/land use, town planning, sustainability.

This is my blogchalk:
Australia, New South Wales, Sydney, English, photography, reading, natural history, land use, town planning, sustainability.