Hello Cruel World
Friday, March 10, 2006
Life on the Ocean Road
I've just returned from Cargolaw's three amazing pages on the stranding of the MV APL Panama outside Ensenada. (Thanks to Ranter) It's hard to type with my jaw in this position.
They say they are taking the photos off because they are slowing down the links, and they are large photos & slow-loading so GET THERE NOW!
Maybe someone can volunteer to set up some separate photo pages for them so the big ones are off the main page.
In fact, I hope someone volunteers to give the site a bit of a go-over. Unless they're deliberately doing it in that style for some kind of post-modern ironic grunge credibility — "we're so serious about our work that we can't pay attention to style or design, or sometimes spelling". Yes, it's a fascinating place, but gee, it's quite tiring trying to read it.
UPDATE — March 10 2006: SHE FLOATS !!!!!
www.signonsandiego.com/news/ mexico/tijuana/ 20060310-0913-bn10ship.html
yorkshire-ranter.blogspot.com/ 2006/03/ more-stranded-giant-container-ship.html
M/V APL Panama — aground near Ensenada, Mexico since Christmas Day 2005 — was floated away from the beach at 4:41 a.m. March 10!!!
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Australia, New South Wales, Sydney, English, photography, reading, natural history, land use, town planning, sustainability.