Hello Cruel World
Thursday, April 21, 2005
First Person - A Mastectomy in 1811
One reason I'd hesitate if time travel became practicable. Thank goodness for anaesthetics (& of course antisepsis).

Thursday 21/04/2005 at 10.45am, as part of Life Matters.

First Person - Letter from Fanny Burney to her sister Esther
Read by: Kate Roberts
(Listen - Real Media Format)
In 1811 Fanny Burney was diagnosed with cancer of the right breast and endured a mastectomy.

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 / . Lives in Australia/New South Wales/Sydney, speaks English. Eye color is hazel. I am what my mother calls unique. My interests are photography, reading, natural history/land use, town planning, sustainability.

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Australia, New South Wales, Sydney, English, photography, reading, natural history, land use, town planning, sustainability.