Hello Cruel World
Thursday, March 31, 2005
Some Australian Urban Water Use Figures (compare petrol)
Urban Water Use Statistics in Australia
Domestic Water Consumption
The annual water consumption per average household is 250 kilolitres per year (WSAA, 2001) or 350 litres per person per day (Report of the Senate Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts References Committee, 2002).
Riverina Water County Council - fact sheet 6 "The Real Value of Water"
Water consumption levels vary throughout Australia. Average daily water use ranges from as little as 100 litres per person in some coastal areas to more than 800 litres per person in the dry inland areas. The current average daily water consumption is 340 litres per person, or 900 litres per household. In addition, an average of 150 litres of water per person is used every day in the workplace by industry and commerce, community uses such as watering of public parks and gardens, fire fighting and system leakage.
I haven't had time or energy (g) to work out average petrol use. It would be an interesting comparison, both in quantity and price.
[tag: environment]
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