Hello Cruel World
Friday, March 12, 2004
Values: Avedon Carol writes It's the Christianity, Stupid
www.dailynewsonline.com/founder_carol_avedon/ 2004_03_09_archive_article.php#107880462025671554

This whole article (excerpted below) very much expresses my history and thinking.
One other strong Christian precept -- also found in other traditions -- some should think about: "Do as you would be done by".

It's the Christianity, Stupid.
Tuesday, March 09, 2004
By Avedon Carol

... I was raised on the Gospels and that, to a large extent, this is where my values come from, even though I've left all the churchifying behind ... I was taught that certain things were right and certain things were wrong, and I've thought about those things a lot in my lifetime, and they still seem pretty solid to me, whether you believe in a Higher Being or not
Consider the teachings of Jesus: He preached against public piety, against putting material wealth above the spiritual, against casting the first stone, against bigotry. He spoke up for the poor and told us to love our neighbors. He blessed the peacemakers and the merciful, and taught his followers to share. He preached love, hope, and charity. He was about forgiveness and redemption.

And so, as someone who, "was raised on the Good Book Jesus 'til I read between the lines," it's pretty much impossible for me to look at the modern GOP and the Christian right - and particularly at the Bush administration - and see any of Jesus' teachings there. I don't claim to know the mind of any god (which, after all, would be blasphemy), but it seems to me that Bush represents the kind of self-righteous, publicly pious, war-mongering rich men who Jesus warned us not to become

So there it is: We're liberals because no matter how far we've strayed from Sunday School, we still think like Christians - even those of us who never were.

And that's what it really means that America is a nation with Christian values. And by those values, we have to reject the leadership we are getting from Bush and the GOP.

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