Hello Cruel World
Monday, March 01, 2004
Chant Wars?
From Making Light comments on "Chant Wars" post

Andrew Sigel ::: February 28, 2004, 09:01 PM
I saw Sequentia and Dialogos present "Chant Wars" last weekend, by which time the program had acquired the far more staid title of "The Emperor's Cantors ? The Carolingian Globalization of Medieval Plainchant". Despite the image conjured up by the first title, Sequentia and Dialogos did not, alas, face each other across the church altar, one representing Rome and the other the Carolingian empire, and sing competing versions of a chant text.

It was, nevertheless, a fascinating program, with chant interspersed with readings from surviving writings about the confrontation between Roman and regional chant practices ...

In another cool recreation, Benjamin Bagby (director of Sequentia) has been commissioned by the Lincoln Center Festival to perform Beowulf in its entirety (six hours) in 2006. He currently does a performance version of the first quarter of that epic, and has a website that will give you an idea of what to expect... but unfortunately, I couldn't find any specific details on the 2006 performance. There's time yet.
[Wow! Maybe by then, live webcast? <sigh> a long way to go otherwise.]

From The Progressive "It Seems to Me" column by Howard Zinn
The Ultimate Betrayal

As for Jeremy Feldbusch, blinded in the war, his hometown of Blairsville, an old coal mining town of 3,600, held a parade for him, and the mayor honored him. I thought of the blinded, armless, legless soldier in Dalton Trumbo's novel Johnny Got His Gun, who, lying on his hospital cot, unable to speak or hear, remembers when his hometown gave him a send-off, with speeches about fighting for liberty and democracy. He finally learns how to communicate, by tapping Morse Code letters with his head, and asks the authorities to take him to schoolrooms everywhere, to show the children what war is like. But they do not respond. "In one terrible moment he saw the whole thing," Trumbo writes. "They wanted only to forget him."

( via "Seeing the Forest" www.seetheforest.blogspot.com/ 2004_02_01_seetheforest_archive.html#107755454462392478)
Sometimes people forget that it was us anti-war folks who had enough foresight to worry about these problems before the war took place.
I really think W should spend a day per week visiting injured soldiers. It might make him a bit less likely to take us into ... war again

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