Hello Cruel World
Sunday, October 12, 2003
The Environmental Defense [sic] group (www.environmentaldefense.org)

Putting the Brakes on U.S. Oil Demand
(264 Kb in Acrobat PDF format)
John DeCicco, with Rod Griffin and Steve Ertel

Information on Cars and the Environment

Jedi life in the Real World
- A blog journal about the "Wild Things of God" and real life. (startup)

From Antiphilanthropy (badvision.blogspot.com)
The most random post I've ever seen by any human ( 2003_10_05_hyperactivebunnies_archive.html#106548102919887467 [the blog above every other]) ...go on, click on it! You know you want to. It doesn't make sense until the end but...for cryin' out loud. It's the longest post I've ever see, that's for sure. I got outshined by a longshot. And you'll know which one it is, believe you me.

Life has become pretty painful as of late. I got blood drawn today and they really tapped a good one, apparently...it's never good to hear a nurse go, "oops" when blood is flying out of an open vein. But I got patched up in due time...my hand is a little tingly, I'm hoping that's my hypochondria.

I missed more US History because of getting that ol' blood drawn, I'm going to fail.

I've been effectively cut off from my girl for a while. That inspired "the worst day since...all of last year", or so Linds will tell you. So if I seem like a limo wreck in the next few days, this is probably why.

I was effectively told, "We don't know what the hell is wrong with you, sicko," at the doctor today. They said they're going to do a test in two or so weeks, and if that doesn't show anything they'll be putting me on some new seratonin productive drug and giving me a pat on the back. But that would be ok because, 1: hell, it's seratonin, how tricked is that?, and 2. the test I have to take, which will take all of seven minutes, requires me to take opiates for the pain and some kind of "valium, which has hallucinogenic and barbituatory properties" (direct quote!), which will effectively floor me for the better part of the day. YES!

Then watch me wake up with an addiction to opium and I die from the strain thereafter. Hell, I took Nyquil two nights ago, I'm already addicted to it.

I had a lot to think about tho. That was another factor for staring at the ceiling til two in the morning. That's also why I looked like a limo wreck today, or at least a sport coupe wreck, rather. Not so bad as a whole frickin' limousine.

Ok, stepping away from the BLogger teat.

I am teatfully yours.

And did you all notice that "Rosie Jiang" and "Lindsey Reid" both have 10 letters? Don't ask me how I found this out, it would be too hard to put words to.
posted by Josh 10/7/2003 05:21:06 PM

[Thoughts on blogging]

peterpansangtome.blogspot.com As You WISH! said the prince - Language, style & attitude is interesting. "Young people these days."

"Life does not cease to be funny when people die any more than it ceases to be serious when people laugh."
-George Bernard Shaw


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 / . Lives in Australia/New South Wales/Sydney, speaks English. Eye color is hazel. I am what my mother calls unique. My interests are photography, reading, natural history/land use, town planning, sustainability.

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Australia, New South Wales, Sydney, English, photography, reading, natural history, land use, town planning, sustainability.