Hello Cruel World
Wednesday, January 15, 2003
Back on the last December 1st (1/12/2002), I mentioned the 'cold,
careless, greedy bastards' who are eating away at so many of the
good things we've slowly built up over the last, roughly, 200 years.
It looks like their side had another victory today at the NRMA.
Next thing they'll bring up something mentioned a few months
back, giving 'members' with more cars more votes, i.e. similar
to the '1 share, 1 vote' system now in place in the 'demutualized'
former NRMA Insurance, rather than '1 member, 1 vote'.
This is
rather like going back to the old sufferage system of voting,
where only people owning above a certain amount of property
could vote. How would you like it if the number of votes you could
cast in an election was proportional to your assets or income?
Kerry Packer would have a whole electorate to himself, pretty much.
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Australia, New South Wales, Sydney, English, photography, reading, natural history, land use, town planning, sustainability.